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Working day nursery

Children discover the world and learn new skills by playing, observing, imitating and trying. Every child does that in his own way. Our pedagogical staff are aware of this and guide the children accordingly. They stimulate the children to explore their own possibilities. They do this with respect for the individuality and autonomy of the child. At the same time, they teach children to keep an eye on others and to find solutions to conflicts.

Daily management

The day-to-day management is in the hands of two location managers. They train the pedagogical staff to manage the daily routine. We work with permanent employees with whom we provide structure and consistency and familiar faces for your child.

During sickness, leave or training, we employ permanent substitutes.

Other support staff

We also work with support staff, such as employees who help with household chores or interns. Interns and pupils are always accompanied by a practical supervisor. With regard to financial matters, planning and our placement policy, we employ specialized employees. The child day care Heyendael centre is a professional and independent non-profit making foundation. In the organizational structure, parents are explicitly represented to think and decide on the care of their children via the parent committees.